Dear reader of, please excuse the disruption. needs around €58,500 in 2024. Unfortunately 99,8 % of our readers do not donate. If everyone reading this appeal made a small contribution, our fundraising campaign for 2024 would be over after a few days. This appeal is displayed 23,000 times a week, but only 75 people donate. If you find useful, please take a minute to support with your donation. Thank you very much!

Since 01.06.2021 is supported by the non-profit ADxS e.V. Donations to ADxS e.V. are tax-deductible in Germany (up to €300, the remittance slip is sufficient as a donation receipt).

If you would prefer to make an active contribution, you can find ideas for Participation or active support here.

$36265 of $63500 - as of 2024-08-31
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Sammlung von Ärzten, Therapeuten etc. mit ADHS-Kompetenz

Ärzte, Therapeuten etc. mit ADHS-Kompetenz

Du suchst Adressen von Ärzten/Therapeuten mit ADHS-Kompetenz?

Dann folge bitte diesem Link:
Adressen-Anforderung von Ärzten, Psychologen und anderen Fachleuten mit ADHS-Kompetenz

Du kennst Ärzte/Therapeuten mit ADHS-Kompetenz?


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Adressdaten des Arztes/Therapeuten/Coaches/der Klinik

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