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ADHD - books, specialist literature, films, links, addresses for those affected

ADHD - books, specialist literature, films, links, addresses for those affected

The books we consider particularly recommendable are marked according to target group:

(Be): Affected persons and relatives to get started
(Bf): Affected persons with advanced knowledge
(Bx): Affected persons with in-depth knowledge
(T): Therapists / practitioners
(Ä): Doctors / diagnosticians
(W): Scientists

1. Books with a focus on ADHD

Sorting from entry level to subject level

1.1. Hallowell, Ratey: Obsessively absent-minded or The inability to pay attention (Be)

1999, Rowolth

Suitable for:

  • Affected: Beginners

Despite the American style of writing, this is a very pleasant and informative book that uses many examples to make the symptoms and problems of ADHD tangible and comprehensible.

1.2. Boerger: Funfair in the head (Be)

2023, Kiepenheuer and Witsch

Suitable for:

  • Affected: Beginners

A fresh, youthful portrayal of ADHD from the perspective of a young adult woman. Written in a humorous way, Kirmes im Kopf addresses many important aspects of how ADHD makes life difficult for those affected and thus provides plenty of aha effects for affected newcomers.

1.3. Neuy-Bartmann: ADHD. Successful strategies for adults and children. (Bf)

  1. revised edition, 2023. Klett-Cotta.

Also contains tips for parents.

1.4. Simchen: ADD. Unconcentrated, dreamy, too slow and many mistakes in dictation (Bf.)

Diagnostics, therapy and help for the hypoactive child

  1. updated edition, 2021, Kohlhammer.

1.5. Ryffel-Rawak: We feel different! (Bf)

How adults with ADD/ADHD experience themselves and their relationship
A somewhat more scientific presentation that helps those affected to understand the background.

1.6. Ryffel-Rawak: ADHD in women - at the mercy of emotions. (Bf)

Dreamy girls suffer differently than extroverted boys.
16 women’s fates, their stories and how the tragedies in them could have been avoided.

  1. Edition, 2017, Hogrefe.

1.7. Lobo, Passig: Getting things done without a shred of self-discipline (Be)(T)

2008, Rowolth

Suitable for:

  • Affected people: entertaining compulsory program for procrastination
  • Therapists: helpful

Book for those affected by procrastination / procrastinationitis.
The title may be confusing, but it gets to the heart of the matter. The content is well worth reading for anyone who has ever looked up the word procrastination for a specific reason. Written with lots of valuable tips, very intelligent, really humorous and extremely entertaining. A book that is also great to read on vacation on the beach and will make your neighbors look up more often - if the reader laughs heartily.

1.8. Barkley: The big handbook for adults with ADHD-HI (Be)(T)

2010, Huber; unchanged 2017, Hogrefe

Suitable for:

  • Affected: Beginners
  • Therapists: Beginners

User-oriented textbook for those affected. American writing style, catchy, very practical to use, with good technical presentation at the same time. Many checklists. Also suitable for therapists who want to explore the topic of adult ADHD for the first time. For affected adults, this is an easy-to-read book to get started with, technically sound and with lots of practical tips.

This book creates a basis on which interested sufferers can subsequently acquire a comprehensive understanding of ADHD, its genetic and neurological basis, comorbidities and possible medication by means of further reading.

1.9. Brown, ADHD in children and adults - a new perspective (Be)


A good book for beginners.

1.10. Fitzner, Stark (ed.): But my being is indestructible (Bf)

Published in 2004, probably unchanged new edition 2014

Suitable for:

  • Affected persons with advanced knowledge

A collection of high-quality technical chapters by a wide range of renowned therapists, doctors and scientists, this second book provides beginners with a good in-depth insight into the various aspects of ADHD. The title of the book sounds more playful than the pleasingly knowledgeable yet easy-to-read content.

1.11. Ohlmeier, Roy (ed.) ADHD-HI in adults - A life in extremes (T)(Ä)(Bf)

2012, Kohlhammer

Suitable for:

  • Therapists: helpful
  • Specialists: helpful
  • Affected persons: helpful for advanced users

A scientifically oriented reference book that is also suitable for those with ADHD. In addition to a solid presentation of the basics, it is also dedicated to some special topics such as ADHD and forensics, ADHD and creativity, ADHD and addiction, ADHD and Asperger’s.

1.12. Edel, Vollmoeller: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults (T)(Ä)

2006, Springer
157 pages

Suitable for:

  • Therapists: helpful
  • Specialists: helpful

Scientifically oriented reference book aimed more at professionals. More intensive comments on the subject of addiction and delinquency. Worth reading for defense lawyers.

1.13. Dietrich, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD-HI - The loneliness in our midst. (Bx)(Ä)(T)

2010, Schattauer

Suitable for:

  • Doctors
  • Therapists
  • People with in-depth prior knowledge who have already read Krause

Dietrich describes a posteriorization of behavioural control in the brain as the cause of ADHD. He thus identifies precisely those neurological changes in the control of behavior as decisive for ADHD-HI that we present as consequences of the change in the stress regulation systems.

1.14. Krause, Krause: ADHD-HI in adulthood. Symptoms - Differential diagnosis - Therapy (Bx)(Ä)(T)(W)

2014, Schattauer

Suitable for:

  • Affected persons: Inquisitive people with in-depth prior knowledge
  • Specialists: Compulsory program
  • Therapists: Mandatory program
  • Scientists: compulsory program

A must-read for anyone working seriously in the field of ADHD (whether with adults, adolescents or children). For sufferers who have already read several books, it is a revelation. The restriction to adults mentioned in the title is correct insofar as there are no specific references for the treatment of children. However, the scientific principles as well as many practical descriptions (e.g. on comorbidities and medication) are also very helpful in the treatment of children, as they are not presented in this form elsewhere.

This scientifically oriented work is one of the most important German-language books on ADHD in general and ADHD in adults in particular. With its depth and many brief descriptions of (even contradictory) studies, it is aimed at professionals who already know the basics of ADHD and now want to delve deeper. Comprehensive presentation of the genetic, neurological and other basics of ADHD as well as further treatment options. Excellent and practical presentation of comorbidities (including a comparison of symptoms, some of which are easily confused). To our knowledge, the most comprehensive presentation of medication for ADHD in the German-language specialist literature.

The large amount of well-founded background knowledge is very valuable for those affected who have already read several books on the subject and now want to delve deeper. Anyone who works their way through this book and engages with the technical language that is inevitably used due to its depth will be richly rewarded. Many case studies (descriptions by sufferers) make the respective symptoms and constellations with comorbidities vivid and tangible.

1.15. Steinhausen, Rothenberger, Döpfner (editors): Handbuch ADHD-HI; Grundlagen, Klinik, Therapie und Verlauf der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung, Kohlhammer (Ä)(W)(T)

2010, Kohlhammer (1st edition)
2020, Kohlhammer (2nd edition)

Suitable for:

  • Specialists: Compulsory program
  • Scientists: compulsory program

Alongside Krause, this is the second major German-language standard work on ADHD.
It is aimed primarily at scientists as well as specialized doctors and therapists. The focus is on a sober, scientific and rather theoretical presentation, whereby the technical depth of the work partly surpasses that of Krause. The knowledge is presented in an even more factual and structured way. A wonderful reference work for doctors and scientists. For patients without a thirst for scientific knowledge, it lacks practical applicability. The usability for therapeutic practice is limited because there is a lack of elements that link the clear scientific descriptions with tangible and comprehensible examples from therapeutic practice. For example, anyone working in the diagnosis of ADHD will miss a structured systematic presentation of the individual comorbidities and the implications to be considered. However, the systematic presentation of the medications dealt with, including cross-effects, is exemplary, even if it is dated 2008 and therefore somewhat outdated. Since then, a number of ADHD medications have been approved in Germany.

1.16. Müller, Candrian, Kropotov: ADHD-HI - Neurodiagnostics in practice (T)(W)(Ä)

2011, Springer

Suitable for:

  • Neurofeedback therapists: Mandatory program
  • Scientists: compulsory program
  • Specialists: helpful

Exciting book aimed primarily at professionals. A must-read for neurofeedback therapists in the field of ADHD.

1.17. Häßler (ed.): The ADHD-HI Kaleidoscope - State of the Art and aspects of high relevance that have not yet been considered (Ä)(W)

2009, Medizinisch wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

Suitable for:

  • Specialists: Specialist literature
  • Scientists working on one of the topics presented: Mandatory program

This scientifically oriented work addresses individual topics that have so far received less attention in the specialist literature. These are the topics:

  • Bipolar disorder as a comorbidity of ADHD
  • KISS-/KIDD syndrome
  • Epilepsy as a comorbidity of ADHD
  • Attachment problems as a (co-)cause of ADHD
  • Transcribed developmental disorders
  • Teenage motherhood
  • Law and forensics for ADHD
  • Addiction as a comorbidity of ADHD
  • Youth welfare
  • Parental work
  • Adult ADHD-HI and personality disorders (including antisocial personality and borderline personality as comorbidities of ADHD)
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Medication other than stimulants and atomoxetine

For those affected, the book is only comprehensible with a great deal of prior knowledge. However, it is a valuable source for in-depth familiarization with one of the specific topics.

Alexander Tewes. Rezension vom 10.10.2009 zu: Frank Häßler (ed.): The ADHD-HI kaleidoscope. State of the art and previously ignored aspects of high relevance. MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft (Berlin) 2009. ISBN 978-3-939069-66-9. In: socialnet Rezensionen, ISSN 2190-9245,, date of access 11.10.2016.

1.18. D’Amelio, Reetz, Philipsen, Rösler (eds.): Psychoeducation and coaching - ADHD-HI in adulthood (T)

2009, Elsevier / Urban & Fischer

Suitable for:

  • Therapists: helpful

Manual for leading patient and family groups, aimed at therapists.

1.19. Safren, Perlman, Sprich, Otto: Cognitive behavioral therapy of adult ADHD-HI (B)(T)

2005, from the English 2009, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

Suitable for:

  • Affected persons: helpful
  • Therapists: helpful

Book for therapists and interested patients.
Model of cognitive behavioral therapy for ADHD in 5 modules (organization, distractibility, functional thinking, emotion regulation and an optional module on partnership and avoidance behavior), divided into 17 sessions.

1.20. Brown: ADHD comorbidities. Handbook for ADHD complications in children and adults (W)(Ä)

2009, American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC

Suitable for:

  • Scientists
  • Specialists (diagnostics)

This book is recommended by Müller, Candrian, Kropotov (see above) as a particularly good book on comorbidities in ADHD.
We have not yet received it.

1.21. Steinhausen (ed.): Hyperkinetic disorders in children, adolescents and adults (Ä)(T)

2. Edition 2000, Kohlhammer. Out of print.

Suitable for:

  • Specialists
  • Therapists

Despite the seemingly outdated title, it contains many helpful tips. For specialists, it might be worth looking for a second-hand edition.

1.22. Barkley, Murphy, Fischer: ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says. New York: Guilford (W)


Suitable for:

  • Scientists

English-language presentation of evaluations of various American studies.

1.23. Sigma-Aldrich / Merck: The Handbook of Receptor Classification and Signal Transduction (W)

Suitable for:

  • Scientists
  • Researchers
  • University teachers

English-language handbook on receptor classification and signaling in the brain. It covers over 100 topics including intracellular signaling enzymes and receptors, signal transduction, ion channels, non-peptide receptors, synthesis and metabolism, peptide receptors and peptide metabolism, protein kinase, serine, threonine and tyrosine kinases, and transporters. Each entry includes a peer-reviewed overview, key references and tables that provide valuable information on structure, subtypes, selective agonists, selective antagonists, tissue distribution and much more.

2. Books for and about children with ADHD

2.1. Rietzler, Grolimund: Successful learning with ADHD and ADD

  1. Revised edition, 2023, Hogrefe Verlag.

For parents of children with ADHD. Helpful for structuring learning phases/homework.

2.2. Born, Oehler: Learning with ADHD children

12. expanded edition, 2023, Kohlhammer Verlag.

For parents of children with ADHD. Helpful for structuring learning phases/homework.

2.3. Rietzler, Grolimund: Lotte, are you dreaming again?

  1. Hogrefe.

For children with ADHD.

2.4. Zeyen: Phil the frog

  1. Hogrefe.

A book for children with ADHD, their friends and everyone who loves them.

3. Books with a focus on stress

3.1. Rensing, Koch, Rippe, Rippe: Man under stress. Psyche, body, molecules (W)(Ä)(T)

2006, Elsevier, today Springer

Suitable for:

  • Specialists
  • Therapists
  • Scientists

This was the first German-language reference book on stress medicine to present stress in detail from an endocrinological and immunological perspective. Alongside Wolf, Calabrese (which is, however, 14 years newer), it is one of the two German-language standard works on stress medicine.
The endocrinological and immunological correlations described are essential for the targeted treatment of mental and physical stress disorders.

3.2. Wolf, Calabrese: Stress medicine & stress psychology. Epidemiology, neurobiology, prevention and practical solutions (W)(Ä)(T)

2020, Schattauer

Suitable for:

  • Specialists
  • Therapists
  • Scientists

Alongside Rensing et al., this is the second (and more recent) German-language reference book on stress medicine that presents stress in detail from an endocrinological and immunological perspective and is therefore the other standard work on stress medicine in the German language.
Psychotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of stress disorders are also presented.

3.3. Egle, Joraschky, Lampe, Seiffge-Krenke, Coerpka (eds.): Sexueller Missbrauch, Misshandlung, Vernachlässigung. Recognition, therapy and prevention of the consequences of early stress experiences. (W)(Ä)(T)

4. Edition 2016, Schattauer

Suitable for:

  • Specialists (compulsory program)
  • Scientists
  • Therapists of disorders due to early childhood stress experiences: Mandatory program

Despite the title, one of the most important German-language books for a general understanding of the endocrine connections of stress reactions. Comprehensive presentation of the consequences of early childhood stress experience. An important work that offers physicians and scientists indispensable insights into the neurophysiological connections between stressors, stress and the resulting psychological disorders.
The title would better reflect the content if “sexual abuse” were listed as the third instead of the first point, because sexual abuse is merely a serious example of early childhood stress experiences. The book is therefore recommended to any medical practitioner or therapist who treats stress-related mental or physical disorders.

3.4. Wittling, Wittling: Heartbeat variability, early warning system, stress and fitness indicator (W)(Ä)

2012, Eichsfeld

Suitable for:

  • Scientists
  • Specialists (diagnostics)

A technically very in-depth yet easy-to-read reference book on heart rate variability (HRV). HRV is the central measuring instrument for analyzing the vegetative (autonomic) nervous system, the rapid stress regulation system (controlled by nerve impulses).

3.5. Lohninger: Heart Rate Variability: The HRV Practice Textbook (W)(Ä)(T)

2017, facultas

Suitable for:

  • Specialists
  • Therapists
  • Scientists

This work complements Wittling’s basic book on heart rate variability. It is more practice-oriented and offers practitioners background knowledge on the application of HRV analysis in the areas of stress management, therapy and competitive sport.

3.6. Haurand, Ullrich, Weniger (eds.): Stress medicine. Counseling, prevention, treatment (T)

2. Edition, 2018, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

Suitable for:

  • Therapists

Unfortunately, the work does not fulfill the general claim of its title. The endocrine basics are presented far too superficially for even rough therapeutic conclusions to be derived from them. Doctors and therapists who treat stress-related mental or physical disorders based solely on the knowledge presented here would inevitably fall prey to misinterpretations.
The strength of the book lies in the presentation of psychotherapeutic therapy options. The publisher’s cover shows the first edition.

4. Books on endocrine neurophysiology

4.1. Lautenbacher, Gauggel (Eds.): Neuropsychology of mental disorders (W)(Ä)(T)

2. Edition, 2013, Springer

Suitable for:

  • Specialists
  • Therapists
  • Scientists

A specialist book that describes the neurophysiological and endocrine causes of mental disorders in detail. Knowledge of these connections is essential for drug treatment and helpful for psychotherapeutic treatment.

4.2. Ehlert, von Känel (eds.): Psychoendocrinology and psychoimmunology (W)(Ä)(T)

2011, Springer

Suitable for:

  • Specialists
  • Therapists
  • Scientists

Specialist book that addresses the connections between neurophysiological and endocrine processes and the immune system. This knowledge is necessary for the treatment of physical stress disorders.

5. Books on neuropsychology

5.1. Grawe: Neuropsychotherapy (T)

2004, Hogrefe

Suitable for:

  • Therapists
  • Students

Description of the neurophysiological correlates of mental disorders on the one hand and the neurophysiological changes brought about by psychotherapeutic measures on the other. Written in a very readable style for a specialist book.
Very helpful for therapists to bridge the gap between the purely psychological view and the neurophysiological view, which enables a better understanding of the effects of psychotherapy.

Chapter 2 contains an easy-to-understand introduction to how the brain works, which can be recommended to any student or particularly inquisitive person as a starting point.

6. Books with a focus on giftedness and high sensitivity

6.1. [Trappmann-Korr: The phenomenon of high sensitivity and the connection with ADHD](,+The+Ph%C3%A4nomenon+High+Sensitivity%C3%A4t+and+the+Correlation+with+ADHD,+Bachelor thesis&lr=&hl=en&source=gbs_navlinks_s) (Bf)(T)


Suitable for:

  • Affected persons: compulsory reading for those with high sensitivity
  • Therapists: in the area of high sensitivity: compulsory reading, otherwise helpful

One of the very few works that deals with the topic of high sensitivity in a reasonably scientific way. In our opinion, the overly open stimulus filter in ADHD is identical to the phenomenon of high sensitivity, although high sensitivity also exists without ADHD.

6.2. Brackmann: Beyond the norm - highly gifted and highly sensitive (B)(T)

2005, Klett-Cotta
11. Print run 2020 (unchanged)

Suitable for:

  • Affected persons: Compulsory reading for gifted children
  • Therapists working in the field of giftedness: compulsory reading. Helpful for all therapists

One of the most highly recommended works on the subject of giftedness. If you want to understand how giftedness and high sensitivity are connected, this book is a must.
Interesting from the first to the last chapter, which points to the frequent presence of giftedness in borderline patients.

7. Audiobooks

ADHD is not a flaw Audiobook by Hallowell

The world of women and girls with ADHD - Audiobook

8. ADHD on the net

8.1. Websites

8.1.1. German language websites

ADHS Germany e.V.
Largest association in Germany for ADHD.
zentrales adhs netz: German ADHD organization
Information portal of the central adhs network for affected parents, teachers, children, adolescents and adults
Swiss ADHD organization.
Self-help Switzerland: ADHD self-help groups.
Elpos: ADHD umbrella organization Switzerland.
Adapt: Austrian self-help association.

ADHD guide
Information page of the pharmaceutical company Medice

8.1.2. English language websites

Very large American self-help organization, now commercialized

8.2. Forums for those affected

Since the ADHS-Anderswelt is no longer active, our ADxS-ADHS forum has developed into the most comprehensive and active German-language ADHD forum.

8.3. Freely accessible specialist literature

8.3.1. German-language freely accessible specialist literature
Extensive collection of topics on ADHD in the form of a wiki, prepared by experts.

PDF by Lachenmeier on the topic of self-esteem

PDF Brochure of the Deister-Weser Clinic
ADHD entry.

8.3.2 Freely accessible specialist literature in English

The World Federation of ADHD Guide
Very good summary of ADHD for doctors and sufferers

The ADHD Evidence Project.
Evidence-based presentation on ADHD, run by Prof. Stephen Vincent Faraone.

8.4. Blogs

A blog by women with ADHD.
A blog about neurodiversity - including ADHD.
A serious blog about ADHD by Dr. Martin Winkler.

8.5. Lecture videos on ADHD

8.5.1. German language lecture videos on ADHD

ADHD in general

Lecture by Ulrich Brennecke on ADHD, June 2022, approx. 1.5 hours.
Available on the Youtube channel of #MensaGiesScience, No. 44.

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Andreas Reif (2017): Focus on ADHD, dasGehirnInfo
Very well-founded lecture on ADHD in adults.

Interview with Dr. Astrid Neuy (2022): ADHD: symptoms, causes, therapy. ADHD as a fashionable diagnosis?

Lecture Dr. phil. Roy Murphy (2017): ADHD in the 21st century, Kolleg-DAT e.V.
Lecture on ADHD in adults suitable for beginners.

ADHD in adults



ADHD and depression

Lecture Dr. Heiner Lachenmeier (2022): ADHD and depression/mood swings, ADHS20+
Dr. Lachenmeier explains the psychological mechanisms of ADHD in relation to filtering and mood in a well-founded and comprehensible manner.

ADHD and sleep

Lecture Dr. Monika Ridinger (2022): ADHD and sleep, ADHS20+.
Wonderful lecture on sleep and sleep problems with ADHD.

ADHD and eating disorders

Lecture by Dr. Martin Winkler (2017): ADHD and eating disorders, Kolleg-DAT e.V.

ADHD and work

Interview with Dr. Heiner Lachenmeier (2022): Successful at work with ADHD

Lecture by Dr. Heiner Lachenmeier (2020): Coaching employers and managers of ADHD employees

Online talk with Dr. Udo Wortelboer (2021): ADHD in the world of work, DGBS e.V.


Prof. André Frank Zimpel (2023): Neurodiversity - different, but completely right in the head

Interesting lecture that takes a broader look at neurodiversity. ADHD and autism are not the main topic, but are considered with interesting aspects.

8.5.2. English lecture videos on ADHD

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2015): The Neuroanatomy of ADHD and thus how to treat ADHD - CADDAC
Prof. Dr. Russell A. Barkley is something of an ADHD pope, even though he is now retired. Here he gives an in-depth lecture on the neuroanatomy of ADHD.

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2014): The Importance of Emotion in ADHD

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2014): 30 Essential Ideas you should know about ADHD, 1B Inhibition, Impulsivity, and EmotionThomas E. Brown, PhD (2016): ADD/ADHD | What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2012): This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr. Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): ADHD, IQ, and Giftedness

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): ADHD as Motivation Deficit Disorder

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): Working Memory Isn’t Working in ADHD: What to Do

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): ADHD, Exutive Functioning, and Self Regulation

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): ADHD & Time Blindness

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): ADHD and Sleep Problems

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): Adult ADHD What You Need to Know

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): Assessment of ADHD in Adults: Methods and Issues

Prof. Dr. Russell Barkley (2023): Assessment of ADHD in Children and Teens

Additudemag: Youtube-Channel
Here you will find presentations by Melissa Orlov (on relationships and ADHD) and Russell Barkley, among others.

Prof. Dr. Thomas E. Brown, PhD (2010): Level of Emotions (Impact of ADHD on Emotion)
Brown is a recognized expert on ADHD.

Prof. Dr. Thomas E. Brown (2021): ADHD and Autism: The overlap of traits in smart kids & adults.
Lecture at ADHS Europe.

Prof. Dr. Sandra Kooij (2021): ADHD and Sleep Webinar with Prof. Sandra Kooij
Excellent technical presentation on sleep problems with ADHD.

Broadcasting ADHD Europe.
Youtube channel with dozens of lecture videos on ADHD

Rostain (2015): The Neurobiology of ADHD, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Huberman (2023): Adderall, Stimulants & Modafinil for ADHD: Short- & Long-Term Effects | Huberman Lab Podcast
Easy-to-understand explanation of how stimulants work in ADHD.

  • With medication dosing, there are no withdrawal symptoms when stimulants are abruptly discontinued
  • Elvanse is not prescribed in three-digit mg doses, but between 20 and 70 mg.

HowtoADHD: Youtube-Channel
Entertaining and sympathetic portrayal of ADHD.
Well suited to make people in the environment understand what the problems with ADHD are.

Harley Therapy - Dr. Stephen Humphries

ADHD Army -YouTube
Entertaining, a kind of diary with some useful information and reflections.

Jessica McCabe (2021): ADHD in women.

Jessica McCabe: Failing at Normal. An ADHD Success Story.
TED Talk.

Jessica McCabe: A message to her late mother on the issue of giving medication to children.. There is also an Article at

Dr. K (Healthy Gamer GG) is a doctor, studied at Harvard and has made some good and descriptive videos on the subject of ADHD
2021: If You Have ADHD, You Are Likely To Be Depressed
2023: Therapist Answers Most Googled Questions About ADHD
2021: Your ADHD Can Actually Be An Advantage
2021: Why ADHD is Linked with Addiction

8.6. Teaching content and specialist information on medicine, neurology, biology, statistics

There are extensive sources on the web that provide medical and neurological content for students and interested parties:

8.6.1. German-language teaching content and specialist information
Textbook on physiology by Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay, professor emeritus Dr. med., specialist in medical physiology

Lecture series Cell Biology for Physicians
Prof. Lukas A. Huber and Prof. David Teis, Medical University of Innsbruck
10 videos of approx. 1.5 hours each

Psychiatry to go
Dr. Jan Dreher
Website with podcasts on the subject of psychiatry for professionals
Statistics explained simply, without simplifying.
Focus on statistical models and methods relevant to psychology and medicine.
Comprehensive and multimedia representation of the brain and its functions

8.6.2. English-language teaching content and specialist information

Neuroscience Online, an Open-Access Neuroscience Electronic Textbook
Educational videos and specialist information on neuroscience

Life Science Teaching Resource Community
The Life Science Teaching Resource Community is an online community for life science educators that provides free educational resources.
As of 2019, 8,500 sources were listed.

Brain atlases from the USC University of Southern California

8.7. Reports on ADHD

TV reports / documentaries on the subject of ADHD:

8.7.1. German-language reports on ADHD

Arte, 03.10.23: Bumblebees in the brain. Documentary on the subject of ADHD in adults

ARD 30.10.23: Hirschhausen and ADHD

SWR (2023): ADHD in adults: Psycho-trend or underestimated problem? | SWR Knowledge

NZZ 13.10.23: More advantage than disorder? A documentary about adults with ADHD}}
Despite Lachenmaier’s very good and worthwhile explanations, this report, which portrays ADHD using the example of an obviously gifted painter, seems to us to clearly exaggerate the “advantages”.

SRF (2022): The phenomenon of hyperactivity - How adults with an ADHD diagnosis live | Puls | SRF

Galileo (2022): Fidgety, inattentive and forgetful? - 10 questions for an adult with ADHD| Galileo | ProSieben

Arte (2020): Psycho: Me: Inattentive - ADHD - ArteHD (RBB)
Very good report on the subject of ADHD

8.8. TikTok

Guardian of mind
ADHD expertise|Katharina Schön

Lÿne 易� ADHD at TikTok
Lÿne shows on TikTok the self-tests on, 16.09.22

Funfair in your head
ADHD for (young) adults by Angelina Boerger

8.9. Podcasts

Psychology to go: Franka Cerutti with Mila Ould Yahoui 1
Psychology to go: Franka Cerutti with Mila Ould Yahoui 2
Two podcast episodes of Psychology to go by Franka Cerutti with her friend and ADHD expert Mila Ould Yahoui. Yahoui talks about her experiences with ADHD patients (children and adolescents up to 21) and covers the topic with ease and breadth.

8.10. Twitter

8.10.1. Relevant hashtags

For all neurodivergents, mainly ADHD-HI and autism (there are a surprising number of similarities)



8.10.2. Follow-up recommendations for ADHD-HI or neurodivergence in general



Dani Donovan @danidonovan
ADHD in pictures


Pina Varnel draws great comics about life with ADHD-HI. Each comic describes a specific symptom. Lives in Germany, tweets in English. Comics in German at @ADHD-HI

Jessica McCabe is an ADHD-HI coach with a YouTube channel, highly recommended

Dusty Exner is an ADHD-HI coach

Black Girl Lost Keys
ADHD-HI Coach, special focus on unequal treatment of women/minorities with ADHD-HI

Erynn Brook tweets mostly about feminism, but also consistently writes great testimonials about her ADHD-HI

Satire account that tweets about how neurotypical people behave

8.11. Funny

Webcomics about ADHD by Dhrudi Shah.

9. Feature films on the subject of ADHD

An extensive collection of feature films on the subject of ADHD can be found at adhspedia.

9.1. Feature films for children

Children’s films whose characters show symptoms of ADHD:

  • Michel from Lönneberga
  • Pippi Longstocking
  • Lotta from the Krachmacherstrasse
  • Madita
  • Pünktchen and Anton

More serious films about children with ADHD

The little fidget spinner (2012)
Movie that explains what ADHD is in a child-friendly way.

Fidget spinner (2012)
Drama, ARD 2012
A ten-year-old boy has numerous problems at school that may be due to ADHD.

Upside down (2014)
Sascha has many talents, interests and severe school problems. At the age of ten, he can neither read nor write, which is why he attends a special school. His loud, often aggressive behavior is unpleasantly noticeable there. Through ADHD therapy with medication, Sascha is able to concentrate and behave better. The film ends with the patient discontinuing his medication because it has restricted his emotions too much.
It is a pity that this serves a cliché instead of addressing the fact that this phenomenon only occurs in about 20% of particularly sensitive sufferers and that it is mainly caused by overdosing and can otherwise be remedied by a suitable combination of medication.

ADHD stigma
Everyday observations with children and young people between the ages of 7 and 18.
The film does not claim to explain all facets of ADHD. It is exclusively about the experiences and perceptions of those affected and their relatives. They show an everyday life that is often challenging. Above all, they defend themselves against stigmatization, half-knowledge and know-it-all attitude.

System sprinkler
9-year-old Benni has ADHD and seeks to be loved with impetuous energy.

Mommy (2014)
Film drama about a single mother of a son with ADHD.

No time for dreams (2014)

Sister (2014)
A widowed mother can no longer look after her delinquent daughter. She is sent to live with her brother, and the two begin to build a healthy bond until her mental health problems come to the fore again.

Thumbsucker - Stay as you are (2015)
Thumbsucker is based on the 1999 novel The Thumbsucker by Walter Kirn.
The film sheds light on the protagonist’s ADHD and his treatment with medication.

So damn easy going (2022)
Så jävla easy going
18-year-old Joanna has ADHD, is currently off her medication and falls in love with a classmate.
Swedish with subtitles.

9.2. Feature films for adults

Chaos in the head
In this film, both young adults who were diagnosed with ADHD as children and adults who only understood what was wrong with them at a very late stage have their say. The film explores the question of what consequences ADHD has for personal development.

Films for adults whose characters show symptoms of ADHD:

*The Beautiful Savages / Le Sauvage (1975)
Film with Yves Montand and a very young, completely Hyperactive Catherine Deneuve.

10. Self-help organizations

10.1. Self-help organizations Germany

ADHS Germany e.V.
Largest association in Germany for ADHD.
zentrales adhs netz: German ADHD organization
Information portal of the central adhs network for affected parents, teachers, children, adolescents and adults

BAG-TL e. V., Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Kinder und Jugendlichen mit Teilleistungs-/Wahrnehmungs-Störungen e. V.

JUVEMUS e. V., association for the promotion of children and adults with partial performance weaknesses

VzFwK e. V., Association for the Promotion of Children with Perceptual Disorders e.V.

BV-SeHT e. V., Bundesvereinigung Selbständigkeitshilfe bei Teilleistungsschwäche e. V.



ADS e.V.
Parents’ initiative to support children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) with/without hyperactivity

10.2. Self-help organizations Austria
Adapt: Austrian self-help association.

10.3. Self-help organizations Switzerland
Swiss ADHD organization.
Self-help Switzerland: ADHD self-help groups.
Elpos: ADHD umbrella organization Switzerland.

10.4. Self-help organizations USA

Very large American self-help organization, now commercialized

11. Self-help groups

ADHS Deutschland e.V. has a large Collection of real-life self-help groups in Germany.

In the ADHS forum of you have the possibility to set up virtual self-help groups or participate in existing ones.

Self-help group in Dortmund of the ADHS Dortmund e.V.

12. Help in emergency situations

Reddit: Digital Streetwork Bavaria
For people up to 27 years of age

German Depression Aid
Counseling centers and crisis services for depression and suicidality