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Venlafaxine for ADHD


Venlafaxine for ADHD

Brand names of venlafaxine include: Trevilor (D), Efexor (CH), Efectin (A)

Venaflaxin was launched in 1993 and is only approved for adults (aged 18 and over).1

Venlafaxine acts primarily on the serotonin level, less so on the noradrenaline level as a reuptake inhibitor (SSNRI = selective serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor) and even less so on the dopamine level.1
Particularly disadvantageous are the duration of several weeks until any (antidepressant) effect occurs and, even more so, the sometimes considerable dosing side effects, some of which require very slow dosing (especially with venlaflaxine).

SSRIs showed no effect on ADHD2
Venlafaxine has only been tested in a few studies with a small number of subjects in relation to ADHD. The improvement in ADHD symptoms was very modest, while the side effects were considerable.3
We therefore advise against the use of venlafaxine for ADHD.

There are concerns about the use of the entire group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in ADHD.
See also Comments on serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for ADHD In the article Medication for ADHD - overview.

Diese Seite wurde am 24.03.2024 zuletzt aktualisiert.